
Understand transportation and logistics
  • Where is the import customs declaration reported?

    Import customs declaration usually needs to be carried out at the local customs. The specific location for customs declaration may vary depending on different countries or regions. Import customs declaration in China usually needs to be completed after the goods arrive at the port

  • Where is the import customs declaration reported?

    Import customs declaration usually needs to be carried out at the local customs. The specific location for customs declaration may vary depending on different countries or regions. Import customs declaration in China usually needs to be completed after the goods arrive at the port

  • Where is the import customs declaration reported?

    Import customs declaration usually needs to be carried out at the local customs. The specific location for customs declaration may vary depending on different countries or regions. Import customs declaration in China usually needs to be completed after the goods arrive at the port



Our company JDJY Group is a logistics group company located in Shenzhen, with a business scope covering all of South China. Our main business includes: warehouse loading, towing, customs clearance, and a series of supporting services for the terminal section. We have our own transportation capacity of 180+, customs declaration personnel, over 1.5W square warehouse, as well as professional and skilled equipment and operators.

180+Own transportation capacity, customs declaration personnel
15000㎡+Warehouse Area
10000+Equipment operators

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Get in Touch with Us

General trade agency, international trade settlement, import logistics distribution, professional import customs clearance, import document processing, etc

  • Warehousing: +86-13144832655
  • Clearance of Goods & Trailer Transport:


  • Sea Freight: +86-18922394050
  • Hotline: 400-6500-575